Great Job from Carlos del Ojo (deepbit) for this new release
Information Security and Penetration testing from Edge-Security team
Great Job from Carlos del Ojo (deepbit) for this new release
Salaries for information security professionals are high. Over 38% of respondents earn US $100,000 or more per year.
41% of the respondents said their organizations use certifications as a factor when determining salary increases.
The overall mean funding for training was US $2,854 per year with a median of US $2,000 per year.
Digital forensics, intrusion detection, and penetration testing are the technical topics respondents are most interested in learning in 2009.
As of late November 2008, just over 79% of respondents forecast no information security personnel reductions in the next 12 months.
Over 25% of respondents plan to deploy the following technologies in 2009:
The best places to find an information security position are in the metro areas of Las Vegas, Nevada; Dallas, Texas; and Washington, DC.
One of the great things about the WarVOX model is that once the data has been gathered, it is archived and available for re-analysis as new signatures, plugins, and tools are developed.
This model allows WarVOX to find and classify a wide range of interesting lines, including modems, faxes, voice mail boxes, PBXs, loops, dial tones, IVRs, and forwarders. WarVOX provides the unique ability to classify all telephone lines in a given range, not just those connected to modems, allowing for a comprehensive audit of a telephone system.
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