With the theme ‘Setting the AppSec agenda for 2009′, the OWASP Summit will be a worldwide gathering of OWASP leaders and key industry players to present and discuss the latest OWASP tools, documentation projects, and web application security trends.
I will be participating in the summit presenting the project WebSlayer, the web application brute forcer. Here you can find the WebSlayer site at OWASP. Also i will participate in some working sessions about OWASP Top Ten 2009, Tools Projects, OWASP Certification and OWASP Live CD.
The summit will be held at Algarve Portugal, i never been there but it seems a beautiful place.
It will be a huge event, with a lot of interesting talks and sessions to attend, i hope to meet some interesting people to exchange ideas.
If you will be there and want to have a beer, drop me a line.